


Amazing day everyone (mina san ohayou gozaimasu),
I am Teacher Yoshi, a fun, jolly, adventurous, patient, and loving person. I love to read, especially inspirational and motivational books. Singing and teaching are my passions. I've been teaching English for almost 10 years now, 2 years in Japan, and 12 years here in the Philippines. It is my passion to teach because teaching is one of the best ways of reaching out to people. In addition, motivating my student is one of my goals which is why I chose this job. I motivate them by inspiring and giving them hope, igniting their imagination, and instilling a love of learning. Whether you are a low beginner, intermediate, or advanced, I promise you this, you are going to learn English in a fun, easy, and enjoyable way.
Hoping that we will meet in my class soon!




Grammar, vocabulary, and conversation(500ポイント)

Grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension(1000ポイント)

